When Was Your Last Hearing Test?
While some over-the-counter solutions can provide protection from noise exposure damage, their one-size-fits-all approach might leave some wearers with discomfort or earaches.
A more effective and safe method of hearing protection is with a custom-fit molding from an audiologist, ensuring a tight acoustic seal and a snug fit that allows for hours of wear.
How Loud Is Too Loud?
We measure sound in decibels (dB), and sound works on a sliding scale—the longer we listen to a loud noise, the more damage we risk.
We typically think of noise trauma as being from one sudden blast of noise, like a gunshot or an explosion, but more often than not we damage our hearing by listening to loud music, sitting in busy environments with lots of noise, or watching movies with high volume.
For example, a typical blender registers at 85 dB, which can be listened to for a minute or two without discomfort as you blend up your smoothie or milkshake. However, listening to your blender whirring for an hour straight would not only be annoying, it would cause some hearing damage, too.
Live concerts register at 110 dB, sometimes louder depending on the genre of music. Without hearing protection, just 20 minutes of exposure to sound at 110 dB could cause significant damage to your ears.
Prolonged exposure to sounds above 85 dB can cause hearing loss. The louder the noise, the less time we can listen to it before it causes irreparable damage.
With the help of custom-molded earplugs and earmolds, you can mitigate these risks and keep your hearing safe.