You’re not alone
Over 48 million Americans experience hearing loss
Most hearing loss is mild and treatable, so why live with it? When you can’t participate in conversations, it frustrates you and your loved ones. Some people become so self-conscious or frustrated by their hearing loss that they stop doing what they love, like playing sports or going to the symphony or even to family gatherings. We are here to help.
When to get tested for hearing loss
Trouble understanding what people are saying
Asking people to repeat themselves
Trouble understanding conversations at a restaurant or in a busy workplace
Avoiding social situations because of trouble following the conversation
Turning up the TV and radio to levels that others say is too loud
Ringing in my ears
Hearing in one ear better than the other
Being told that you have a hearing problem
How we’ll treat your unique hearing loss
Our process for treating hearing loss involves real-world testing, taking a look at your ears and your brain to get the full picture, and offering long term support the entire way. Schedule an appointment today!